Monday, March 15, 2010

Super Pet Expo Mar 19-21

I'm super excited about the upcoming Super Pet Expo in Chantilly this weekend. I've never been before, so I hope it's worth the $8.19. :o) You can save $5 if you buy your tix online and enter code EXHVA at checkout.

See you there!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tricks for Treats is Oskar's M.O.

This is what we do for fun at Let Michelle Do It pet sitting. Oskar is such a cutie pie with his little round pug face. He's super smart too and knows Spin Around and Jump!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Catching a Treat in Slow Mo

Best commercial ever! Pedigree shoots the art of catching a flying treat in slow motion. Great!

Walk for the Animals

Walk for the Animals May 8 in Arlington's Bluemont Park. Registration is $25 and benefits the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. All money goes directly to the shelter to help homeless animals.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Client saves Afgan street dog from a life of misery

Rescuing feral dogs from foreign countries is old hat for client Mary Lee Ball who recently brought back an Afghan street dog to the U.S. and had an article written about her in the Washington Post. Yay Mary Lee!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who's Your Daddy?

This video compilation really shows off how special Daddy was.

Daddy truly represented the pit bull breed as the calm, submissive and courageous dogs they are. His legacy as a friend, co-star and teacher will be one of strength, patience, forgiveness and unconditional love.

We will miss you, Daddy...