The best part of
my job is that one moment—as we’re heading out the door for a proper walk—when all my dogs fall into line—and I think, This is the best part of my job! If you’ve ever walked a pack of dogs, you know what I’m talking about, and if you haven’t, it’s something you should experience as soon as possible.
The reason I love it is twofold. First, I’m the pack leader. And there’s a sense of pride in knowing that I’m doing something great for my pack. Secondly—and this is what brings me the most joy—is that the dogs are LOVIN’ it. Their gaits are confident and I know they are thinking, Oh yeah…gonna check out that grassy patch at the end of the block…gonna check that tree stump…gonna check out what’s gone down in the neighborhood since the last time I checked that spot. And if it’s a new environment where they’ve never walked before, they think, Oh yeah…gonna check out this new environment!
And that, by far, is the best part of
my job!
p.s. – and the second best part of my job is experiencing the residual effect of having them all sound asleep as I type this.